• Home Gardening with VertiPots

    Ideal for balconies or small areas for herbs, vegetables or flowers.

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    You can take your garden to you

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    The berries grow and ripen best off the ground.

  • Increase Your Production

    In a small area grow enough herbs, vegetables or flowers for your family or business.

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    Pictured is a 4 high VertiPot tower growing 24 lettuce in less than 1sqm

    Small joiners are used here.

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    Bean and Strawberry Production

    Each tower will cycle water and nutrient via overhead watering. large joiners that can trellis or hold the plant or fruits are used here.

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    Roma Tomato Production

    3 plants per pot are easily supported. One tower of 4 pots will trellis 15 plants with multiple picks per seson.

  • Commercial Quality and Elegant Design

    Each layer will grow 6 productive and beautiful plants.

    Pots are made from recycled PVC and are UV stabilised lasting over 10 years.