Hello & Welcome!
Our Story
Evergrow Componics Farm is our demonstration farm near Inverell in NSW where you can visit and learn more about our Componics farming model and how to get the best production from your small farm. We have methods and products to help you be successful growing your own vegetables, and livestock such as chickens, goats or cattle for home consumption or as a commercial venture.
In ground and protected horticulture systems
Including secure water and fertiliser systems.
Above Ground and Protected Horticulture System
Problem solving affordable and manageable systems for an Australian climate where water and nutrients are scarce. Our test has been to produce vegetables and fruits in semi-arid NSW.
Growhouse with Nutrient and Water Recycling
Efficient irrigation system:
- We collect rain water and excess water runoff after it cycles through the vertipots inside the growhouse.
- This in turn is used to fertigate with vermicompost extracts we produce using our worm farm.
Using VertiPots to grow 30 plants per square metre organically / naturally
Within the growhouse, water trickles through the pipe system to the dam at the rear. There is no fertiliser or water wastage, no weeds and a safe, pleasant working environment. Vegetables and fruits are clean and vibrant.
Small or large growhouse kits can be produced for you
Seeds and Seedlings
Componics includes seed saving, seedling propagation and planting so that you can maintain and increase your profitability and production through seed adaptation to your soils and climate.
Livestock Systems and Products
Componics requires the use of animal manure for compost so you can run a profitable and enjoyable enterprise that your family or community can enjoy.
Keeping Chickens for Eggs and Meat
The "ChookMahal" is designed around the behaviours of the chickens and their shelter and safety needs as well as work methods that are safe and achievable. Collection of eggs as well as valuable fertiliser for compost is also a feature. All our chooks are heritage breeds so we can maintain our own flocks.
Keeping Goats for Milk and Meat
We keep Saanen and Nubian crossbreed goats for a fresh, coconut flavoured milk. Maintaining good daily routines is important to manage goats safely. Feeding and shelter systems are important to nurture herd health. Goat manure is collected to add value to the compost system.
Keeping Cattle for Milk and Meat
Our crossbreed Irish Dexters are a compact hardy breed which provide rich and creamy A2 milk and great meat. Maintaining good daily routines is important to manage cattle safely. Feeding systems and yards are also important for our herd health. Our cattle are stud quality and we are members of the DCAI. The manures are collected for the compost system.
Worms for Soil Health
Highly recommended to have a large system to create vermicast and the liquid fertiliser and innoculant to build soil health. The worms process the manures into excellent fertiliser and biologicals essential to good vegetable production via improving the soil. Work methods and management is essential to create enough for good production.
Contact Us
Don't be afraid to reach out.
You + us = awesome.
50 Havilah Park Road Little Plain NSWAppointment needed0422 380577